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Volume 5 | 2021
The Remnants of Maoism in China’s Current Government and Economic Tactics
Hudson Friedman
Ideals of Gender and Romance Portrayed in the Literature of Courtly Love
Alex Li
Painting the Counter-Reformation: Revisiting the Sistine Chapel as a Theological Document
Fiona Reenan
The White Paper of 1969: A Failed Attempt at Equity
Ashley Liu
The Nazi Book Burnings: Implications and Reflection on German Literature
Vishaya Shah
Tinseltown in the Third Reich: The Big Screen amid War and Genocide
Sophia DeSouza
Land Restitution: A Catalyst for Economic Development on Indigenous Reservations in the US
Vinayak Menon
Volume 6 | 2022
Understanding Racial Violence in the US Through Hannah Arendt’s Banality of Evil
Carrie Luo
The Legend of Eureka: Riot or Revolution?
Amy Ma
Her Part in the Honors: The Hidden History of Feminism in Ancient Rome
Kerem Koyluoglu
Controversy over Citizens, Aliens and Race in the Roman Empire
Jordan Liu
The American Handling of Puerto Rico and the Insular Cases: Irony and Cyclical Behavior
Dante Tabossi Zugman
The ROLI Seaboard: Toward a New Understanding of Musical Interfaces
Shu Xu
The Grant Administration’s Decisive Role in the Collapse of Reconstruction
Rithik Mathew
Understanding the Myth and Reality of the Lost Generation
Ava Rahman
The Quest to Innovate: President Clinton’s Nuanced Approach to Tech Industry Regulation
Aaron Joy
Shooting the Messenger: Examining Whistleblowing as Civil Disobedience Through the Works of John Rawls
James Horowitz
Residential Segregation: A Tale of Two Houses
James Prince
Kissing the Revolution: The Riot Grrrl Movement Under Third-wave Feminism and Its Failure
Yiwen (Polly) Wang
The Iwakura Mission of 1871: How a Diplomatic Odyssey Influenced Japan’s Modernization
August Neumann