Founder’s message

Welcome to The Schola.

This quarterly publication fills a longstanding gap in education at a time when the impact of media manipulation and social media seems to overshadow the value of rational reflection. Among the greatest benefits a student can gain from a rigorous academic experience is the ability to think, analyze, and construct a compelling argument. Critical thinking and analytical skills are essential to success not only in advanced academic work but also in careers in law, government, journalism, business, and even medicine. The Schola aims to help students develop clarity, concision, coherence, rigor, and originality – skills that will take them far in life.

The enduring belief among educators that students should, above all else, be taught to think critically makes the future of The Schola promising. Through the meticulous process of rational evaluation, with which they engage while writing the essays, students learn to appeal to logic when examining their own beliefs and arguments, as well as those of others. These goals of critical thinking are best achieved when ideas are publicly presented to a community of inquirers. We take pride in providing students with a platform to communicate original and rigorous scholarship to a broad audience.

For every issue, we receive many submissions from around the world. Regretfully, only a handful of these manuscripts are published. Each published essay goes beyond simply reviewing or summarizing existing literature; it poses new questions and seeks to answer them. Having an essay published with us is the result of a strategic and proactive strategy coupled with a willingness to engage in a thorough revision process. Writing an essay for The Schola is taking the first step toward contributing to existing knowledge you might one day make.

We welcome submissions in any discipline of humanities and social sciences. Submitted manuscripts need not follow the guidelines rigorously, but those accepted for publication will need to be brought into conformity with them. Browse our website to learn more about how we partner with young scholars around the world to bring out this unique publication. We encourage you to seize this opportunity to celebrate your knowledge and author a distinguished academic essay.

Eva M Shin
The Schola